Saturday 10 July 2010

Cherry compote

We made 6 litres of cherry compote today, which meant picking about 2000 cherries, well it felt like 2000, destoning all of them, then making the compote, but by golly it was worth it, it is just delightful, swapping it with my friend for some of her veggies as mine are very sad. The kids absolutely loved the whole process especially the messy bit.

It is funny how you move on and change, 1 year ago I would never have thought I would live in a small french village, making cherry compote and tending to a veg garden, but then 3 years ago I would never have thought I would have a business designing cards, which is doing pretty well even though I say so myself. I absolutely love every minute of it. I still enjoy personalising all of my orders and love designing new cards.